Massage Therapy is performed by licensed massage therapists. Massage is the manual application of various techniques to muscles and other soft tissues. It aids in relaxation and decreases soreness and fatigue of soft tissue and muscle fibers. Massage also increases blood flow and circulation which promotes self healing of tissues.
At Advanced Physical Therapy, we offer relaxation, deep tissue, orthopedic and myofascial trigger point therapy. The massage therapist will often combine different techniques to provide each client with an individualized integrative session based on client goals and conditions.
Common health conditions massage therapy is used for:
Benefits of massage:
Make sure to speak with your healthcare provider if you have any underlying medical conditions or concerns that may seem inappropriate for massage therapy. Massage therapy should not take place of regular medical care.
Massage Therapy is currently not covered by insurance. At Advanced Physical Therapy, we believe in the benefits of massage therapy and managing pain more naturally. Our licensed massage therapist can also answer any questions you may have.